1403/04/18 - 1 محرم 1446 - 2024/07/08
العربیة فارسی

Astronomical Research Center (A.R.C.)

مرکز مطالعات و پژوهشهای فلکی - نجومی
635 | واحد خبر مركز | 1385/10/03 990 | چاپ

Notification for the second annual astronomy contest

In the name of god

Astronomical Research Center
With the assistance of the Iran astronomy authority
The second annual astronomy contest

On Ordibehesht 1386 -May 2007

Therefore, astronomical centers that want to assist on this contest please send us a copy of their educational and work precedent to the Fax number below

Fax: 0251 2913555

Or Email us at


For the second annual astronomy contest attendance staff

رخداد نجومی امروز